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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SOP renderer of sorts...

inspired by ben p's blog

a SOP land 'renderer'
below - the 'secne' as rendered normally, and the 'render' :) from the SOP renderer...
annd finally - the '3D pixels' - boxes copied onto points.

the scene

colour info through the ray SOP

 the 3D pixels rendered from a different angle
 lighting info from the phong shader equation. basically the dot prod of the surface normal
and the light position - multiplied by the light's multiplier, and added to the diffuse colour already present.

1 comment:

Julien D said...

You should have a look at the intersect VOP, it does the same thing as the ray SOP, but with all the convenience of VEX. from the intersection you get the intersected primitive and any attribute from it.