Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Time has flown !

Time really has flown by again - but in a good way as I have been busy. Since my last post - wow - there have been many shows and many trials and tribulations. 

Firstly credit where credit is due, thank you to my mate Robert Kelly for recommending me for a few jobs - this has kept me busy and able to feed my family !

Big Thank you to Chris Bending for doing a great job on supervising my crowd work on Elvis. I hadn't really done any houdini crowd work before - he was a very dedicated, talented and patient mentor. Thank you Chris !

Following Love and Monsters - now on Netflix, I worked on Elivs, Resident Evil (Series), Halo (the Series), Secret Head Quarters, Disney's Hocus Pocus 2, AntMan: Quantumania, Nautilus and soon to be released in Australia - "Sting" ! ....busy indeed.

I was really happy with an ant sim I worked on for a film called "FieldTrip" but I'm not yet sure if that is being released. I hope so - the ant sim looked great !

On Sting (w/ Cumulus VFX) I got to work on some classic snow FX using particles in houdini shots, some smoke and steam using houdini's volumes and pyro tools - great fun and a little challenging with not much render power available. I also did a little some blood spatter.

I started using Redshift for the first time. Had some problems with the creation of ZDepth channels but other than that it was more or less smooth sailing.

Also....along the way I've been lucky to meet a bunch of super talented artists, some of which have become great friends and colleagues ! Shout outs to Derek, Ohm, Kaniya, Harsh, Avani, Deepak, Jorge, Yuya and Tushar whom I met at MPC.

Good times :)

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