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Saturday, August 24, 2019

RFH (renderman for houdini) step 2 mixing uv coodinates

I got stuck on this for a little while...

it seems now despite posts in prman 22.0
rmfH is automatically dealing with conversion from uv attributes to s,t,st attributes

iwas playing aound with converting/promoting uvs to primvars and using pxrPrimvar in the shading context - but it seems this isn't necessary.

In rmfH 22.6 i am blending ehre between 2 uv sets (maya terminolgy ?)
and using a simple ramp to mask between them.

To avoid confusion - i tested each map and the ramp in SOPS first and updated the render in mantra's ipr until i was sure it was working correctly.

To get the new uvs into the rsl shader, i put 'uv2' into the PRIM_S/ST parms to override the default uv parms. I did not have to convert from 'uv2' to 'st' in SOP context. Thank you developers.

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